Channel: prophet – BUILDING THE BRIDGE

Have You Seen a Seer?


Do you need spiritual direction to understand and fulfill your life’s purpose? If so, have you consulted someone who could provide help? A young man named Saul who lived over 3000 years ago did—and ended up being made King of Israel.

Three Donkeys

Jack, Dumb, and Smart

Of course, that’s not why Saul consulted a psychic. He only went to see the prophet because three of his dad’s donkeys had run off and he didn’t know where to find them. When he knocked on Samuel’s door, he had no idea who lived there. He was just asking for directions to the “seer’s” house.

Saul Went to See the Seer

     Saul approached Samuel in the gateway and asked, “Would you please tell me where the seer’s house is?”
      “I am the seer,” Samuel replied. “Go up ahead of me to the high place, for today you are to eat with me, and in the morning I will send you on your way and will tell you all that is in your heart.
     As for the donkeys you lost three days ago, do not worry about them; they have been found. And to whom is all the desire of Israel turned, if not to you and your whole family line?”
–1 Samuel 9:18-20 NIV

Saul and one of his father’s servants had traveled quite far to find the donkeys. He was about to give up and turn back when the servant said, “‘Look, in this town there is a man of God; he is highly respected, and everything he says comes true. Let’s go there now. Perhaps he will tell us what way to take’” (v. 6).

Samuel was a seer—a clairvoyant. He could see in the spirit and reveal things otherwise not known to the natural mind. Those who had exhausted typical methods of guidance often turned to a prophet for assistance.

Spirit Had Plans for Saul

Saul had a problem that required some psychic help to solve. But more importantly he needed a revelation about God’s purpose for him. Because Spirit already had a plan for him, he was led directly to Samuel’s house.

For those groping at direction, such “luck” is merely the power of divine synchronicity at work. (For the prophet/psychic, it’s merely par for the course. Samuel already knew that Saul would be coming [see v. 16], and by then had plans for them both.)

Samuel told Saul they were to share a meal that day. He promised the young man that the next morning he would give him a “reading” before sending him home. And offhandedly, he told Saul not to worry about the donkeys—they had already been found.

Saul believed he was there for one purpose, but Spirit had something different—something greater—in mind.

Samuel Drops a Royal Bomb

Samuel Anoints Saul

Samuel touched on the issue in a small but shocking way by saying, “Israel’s future is in your hands, and soon all its wealth will belong to you and your family” (v. 20b NKJ). Quite a different answer to the question Saul hadn’t had the chance to ask yet: “Where did those silly donkeys run off to?” Piddling concern, those three asses…

He responded to Samuel’s portentous news with, “Why are you telling me this? I’m a Benjamite, the smallest tribe of Israel, and my clan is the least of the whole tribe” (v. 21). Saul thought he was a nobody from a line of nobodies. Yet Samuel had promised to tell him everything that was on his mind, intimating that Saul had already been pondering his calling.

Spirit Will Help You Discover Your Purpose

Do you have an inkling about what you’re really called to do in this life? What keeps you from pursuing that call to greatness? If only you would step out and begin to search for what’s missing, you would meet with synchronicity!

As you are going about your earthly business, pondering your desire to live a meaningful life, Spirit may intervene to reveal a greater plan for you. But what if you were to actively seek direction?

Seek the Seer to Find Your Purpose

Have you been to a seer? —And not just to ask “donkey questions”: When will I meet Mr. Right? How do I make more money? Where should I go on vacation?

Have you sought spiritual direction—if only to confirm the inklings you already may have? (Do you want another year to pass by without drawing any nearer to fulfilling the dream in your heart?)

Saul took a chance at the suggestion of a servant and ended up stepping into his divine calling. What have you got to lose?

If you need some spiritual direction that fosters change, I can help.

Here also are three psychics I’ve had personal readings from whom I highly recommend:

The Universe has a plan for you. It might not be to make you king, but to fulfill your purpose effectively, you must discover it. One good way is to find a seer.

My Dream of the Institutional Church


A Dream About the Present State of the Institutional Church

DREAM OF THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH available for Kindle at Amazon.com


I received a powerful dream in the early morning of March 29, 2003. I was able to remember many details in the dream when I wrote it down. Because of its vividness, it seemed more like a vision.

The previous evening, I had been musing about God’s Plan Ministries being a church that wouldn’t build its own kingdom, but that pitched in and helped churches and ministries in the McKeesport, Pennsylvania, area with their endeavors.

Out of this, God gave me this dream in which I went on an investigative mission of visiting churches, hunting for places to bless. I ended up in a particular church…

This dream is about the present state of the institutional church. There are good things in this dream, and there are bad things in it. But it was altogether eye-opening.

The book concludes with a prophetic word I received about the reformation of giving and financing in the coming move of God.

This book is available for Kindle at Amazon.com.

I Accept My Calling


Last week I had my breakdown, my Gethsemane, the culmination of my dark night of the soul. I opened my regular Sunday evening channeling session on June 3 with the following confession of surrender.

I Give In

I’m ready to give up “the protection of materialism.” I’ll do what you want me to do, I’ll say what you want me to say, I’ll go where you want me to go, and I’ll help whom you want me to help.

I’m ready to pierce the haze and to take the turn. I’m asking that you would awake me, that you would open my consciousness to receive from the higher realms.

I lay aside my grief, I lay aside my sadness, I lay aside the story of me that was washed away with the flood three years ago.

I offer myself, O God, to you. Purify me for your purposes. Make me the spokesman, the prophet, the mouthpiece that you have destined me to be. I open myself to you.

During that session, I received some amazing information. And I’ve had an awesome week!

A Turning Point

In March my guides told me that I have come to the end of accomplishing things in my own strength. My dark night and surrender mark a turning point for me.

Instead of doubting myself and my abilities and purpose, I’ve decided to come out of the spiritual closet. Thank you for your comment on my last post, Portia; I accept my genius.

I died, and I am risen from the dead.

Is this the “abrupt turn” my guides have been telling me about? It certainly plays a part.

What Is My Purpose?

My guides have told me the following things many, many times over the past 23 years. But here it is, in a nutshell, from my channeling session on March 27, 2011:

As it has been said, it has been decided long ago that you would be a prophet, a spokesman, and a mouthpiece; that you would lay your hands upon the sick; that you would step forth, speak the word of God, and perform miracles, signs and wonders in the name of my holy child, Jesus.

It is contracted, it is covenanted: you are given to the people in this lifetime to fulfill this task. You have been prepared for many lifetimes for this task. Yield to it; take your part; step forth in faith.

How May I Serve?Although it sounds grandiose, it’s what I’ve been told over and over again.

So instead of questioning and doubting it, I yield to my purpose. I accept the calling and commission to be a prophet, a spokesman, a mouthpiece, and a healer.

My Pledge

As Spirit opens the door and helps me step through, providing opportunities to use my gifts, I pledge to do my part. I will step forth in faith boldly.

In response, I ask Spirit to open the heavens and crown me with glory. Amen.

The Prophetic Commission


After my confession of surrender, my guides responded with encouragement and a commission. Their message followed an interesting clairvoyant vision on the fourth plane.

The Channeling “Funnel”

After my prayer of surrender at the beginning of my weekly channeling session on June 3, 2012, I saw a clairvoyant image of myself on the fourth plane (the plane above the Summerland), as I often do now when I meditate. From the perspective of standing outside myself, I see my soul body encased in a sphere of rainbow light, standing on a broad vista, which I’ll share more about in a future post.

FunnelI saw a conical opening, a dimple in the rainbow sphere, sinking into the back of my neck. I felt pressure on the back of my head, and as I sat in my living room reading chair, my chin went to my chest.

(When I channel, I often feel pressure and the movement of energy through the back of my head and neck. I believe it’s my guides interfacing with my central nervous system.)

The opening looked like a megaphone penetrating my neck backwards, if that makes sense. Like a funnel. Then I channeled the following message.

The Commission

We have prepared you for what is to come. You are now about to experience that which we have prophesied for many years. As you’ve received inklings this weekend… about the change in consciousness, we have spoken to you of it beforehand, and now it shall come to pass.

Continue to press upward, continue to strive to open yourself. Continue to peer into the light, that we might meet you from on high and open that channel, that bridge, which we have called you to become. For we desire to establish this contact with you. We desire to communicate through you to others. We desire to pour down light and wisdom and revelation like a waterfall from on high, that you might receive it, that you might be nourished by it, that you might be changed by it, and that you might disseminate it to others.

Continue to believe. Put aside your doubts, and receive with joy the commission that we have given you.”

My Interpretation of This Experience

My guides have told me many times over the past 23 years that I’m called to be a prophet, spokesman, and mouthpiece; I will be a spiritual healer; and that I would receive visions and channel wisdom from higher planes. These prophetic messages will now come to pass (already are).

Channeled informationA change in consciousness is coming, an experience necessary to fulfill my calling and commission. This was foretold to me in Three Ravens in One Day. I also received two prophetic words from others during a Pentecostal prayer meeting on January 6, 1990. A woman told me that God was going to grant me an “open heaven.” (More about the open heaven in a future post.) The second message, from my pastor, in response to this first prophecy was that, “His feeding will be just like the ravens feeding Elijah.” (Okay, I don’t know about you, but thinking about this just blew me away…)

I will peer into the bright haze at the end of the tunnel and see what’s next.

Contact will be established with guides in higher realms. When the funnel opens, I will receive and channel over the bridge of light the waterfall of light, wisdom, and revelation for myself—and communicate it to others.

But how to meet these others…? A challenge for an introvert. We’ll examine this possiblity in a future post. Til then, love, light, and blessings to you.

Called from the Womb


One thing my guide has told me many times over the past quarter century is that I am called from the womb to fulfill a particular purpose. What does this mean?

YHWH told Jeremiah this when he was called to be a prophet:

The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”Jeremiah 1:4–5 NIV

Set Apart from Birth

The Bible records six men being set apart from birth to do a particular spiritual work:

  • Samson (Judg. 13:2-25)
  • Samuel (1 Sam. 1:17-19,27-28)
  • Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5-10)
  • John the Baptist (Lk. 1:15-17)
  • Jesus the Christ (Matt. 1:18-25)
  • Paul (Gal. 1:15-16)

(I share more about this in Called and Commissioned: 14 Principles for Budding Prophets.)

So when Spirit would tell me I was called from the womb, I found it daunting and unbelievable. “Who, me? Why me?” Too much pressure!

Reincarnation Makes Sense

From DominicMurphyArt.comLooking back, I realize this was much harder to swallow when I believed that you only incarnate once. But when I accepted reincarnation, this statement began to make sense.

If you come back to earth many times, then the period spent between lives in the spirit world becomes a time for reflection about your past life as well as a time for planning your next incarnation.

If you and your guides discussed and agreed upon what you would learn, experience, do, and contribute in your next earthly life, then of course you’re called from the womb to follow that plan and fulfill your particular incarnational destiny. Pressure’s off.

My Call from the Womb

Since 1989, Spirit has told me 82 times that I’m called from the womb. Almost always it’s coupled with a phrase about what I’m supposed to do in this life. Here are a few of the most common tasks my guides have revealed to me:

  • “I have called you from the womb to be my prophet to the nations.”
  • “I have called you from the womb to be my spokesman to the nations.”
  • “I have called you from the womb to speak forth my message in this day and hour.”
  • “I have called you from the womb to heal the sick, and to preach and teach the Gospel.”

Many of the tasks sound religious in nature, but this is the arena of the prophet. (For more about prophets, see The Spokesman, Prophet, Mouthpiece.)

How will this play out? I don’t know yet, but Spirit will let me know what to do when it’s time.

I Accept My Calling (Even If It’s from the Womb)

I used to cringe when Spirit told me I’m called from the womb to do such and such. But, if I accept my calling, I must also permit this aspect.

If this is what my guides and I decided before I came to earth in 1962, then I better get over my self-consciousness and start opening up to my destiny. That goes for you, too.

I’m Special—And So Are You

My mother miscarried three or four times and was finally told by the doctor she had perhaps one chance in a hundred of carrying a pregnancy to full term. So my parents adopted my sister in 1960. (Pressure’s off.) But two years later, I came along—and made it all the way out of the womb.

Am I special? Yes. But so are you.

You also are called from the womb to be who only you can be and do what only you can do. Accept it, embrace it, and get busy.

Prophet, Build the Bridge!


This is the tenth in a series concerning a vision about dominoes, synchronicities, and how they led to building the bridge of light—the cosmic connection through which I link to higher realms of Spirit for psychic communication and channeling.

In the year following my first channeling session, I came across the material of Sandra Roman and Duane Packer, authors of the excellent book Opening to Channel. I downloaded some audio courses from their site: http://orindaben.com/.

On February 17, 2011, I did their Opening to Channel audio course exercises 8–10, “Verbally Channeling Your Guide,” in which I asked their recommended questions of K. I then held my twentieth channeling session. Here are some things my guide said during the session. (I record all my channeling sessions using my digital recorder and then transcribe.)

What is your name?

I am K___ of the Elohim, ruler in Israel and high ascended master.

The prefix or suffix el means “god” or “deity.” El is also appended to Hebrew names such as Joel (meaning God wills or commands), Ezekiel (strength of God), Daniel (judgment of God).

Elohim in HebrewThe singular is Eloah; the plural Elohim—gods. The latter appears many times in the Old Testament, for example, Psalm 82:1: “God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods [Elohim] he holds judgment” (ESV). This is the Elohim of whom the Hebrew patriarch Jacob said:

“May God [Elohim], in whose presence my grandfather Abraham and my father Isaac walked,
may God [Elohim], who has been my shepherd all my life to this very day, …the Messenger, who has rescued me from all evil…”
Genesis 48:15-16a GWT

As a member of the Elohim, K stands in the divine council. To me he is shepherd, protector, and most of all, Messenger.

The Hebrew term benei elohim (“sons of the gods”) is used in Genesis 6:2. I found esoteric tidbits about the history of the Elohim in the Urantia Book.

Some interesting information trance-channeled by Xiota Lahmpsa Mataare is transcribed at http://www.salemctr.com/newage/center31.html, in which the channeled entity Merlin claims that the Elohim—”those who came from the sky”—are non-Earth humans and one of the most advanced and the oldest remaining beings in our universe.

Some of the Elohim supposedly had a contest to see who could successfully develop human beings adapted to this planet. It is said that Yahweh, the god of ancient Israel, won the contest. K claims that, as a member of the Elohim, he is a “brother” to Yahweh.

The Elohim allegedly have continued to influence our evolution:

Throughout history, the Elohim have come to Earth. They came to Earth at different times, to different cultures, and they heavily influenced these cultures throughout history. They were thought to be the Gods and spirits and so forth of the many existing religions which exist today. The Elohim heavily influenced these religions along a moral structure to help the people of this Earth survive successfully and viably. Therefore, when this didn’t work, it became political influence to help establish order. Still, to this day, the Elohim are involved in Earthly matters.

Although this is fascinating, of course I cannot confirm it nor Mataare’s channeled information. I continued my questions to K.

Is there a way I can know that you are here?

I heard no answer but I felt waves of energy and saw shifting colors with my eyes closed. This often happens when I’m channeling; I believe my guides are adjusting my energy to strengthen our communications link.

What direction is our work together going to take? What areas are you here to assist with?

I desire to speak through you. For you are called to be a spokesman and a prophet.

K said he was preparing me to speak for him.

Have we connected before? What are you here at this time to assist me with?

Bridge of Light by Jonathan Karsten Klemme,

We have worked together for many lifetimes. We are here together now to continue that work: to raise the consciousness of this race; to build a bridge for communication between realms.

Medium Rose Vanden Eynden confirmed this. K and I are simply continuing our tasks from a previous incarnation. Our work is to help raise human consciousness and to build a bridge of communication to Higher Consciousness.

You said to submit to your tutelage that I might learn and grow and become that which I’m destined to be. What am I destined to be?

You are destined to be a spokesman, a mouthpiece, and a prophet. For we have communication from on high that we desire to give through you. We desire you to establish a channel that we might speak through you, and that we might relay the ideas, the information, and the energies to your race that it might draw it up higher, that it might raise its energies and vibrations, and make that connection each for himself, that you might receive and connect with realms on high and learn, each of you, what your purpose is.

This paragraph sums up my purpose and call in this incarnation. “Spokesman, prophet, mouthpiece” are his words, and it has taken me a long time to accept them. Whether or not I feel worthy of the calling, I am to channel ideas, information, and energy from the realms of light to raise consciousness so that others may learn to connect to Spirit/Higher Mind in order to learn and live their purpose.

Next time, I’ll share about how to build the bridge of light.

More information:

Channeling Builds the Bridge


This is the eleventh in a series concerning a vision about dominoes, synchronicities, and how they led to building the bridge of light—the cosmic connection through which I link to higher realms of Spirit for psychic communication and channeling.

In my twentieth channeling session with K on February 17, 2011, he spoke further about the process of spiritual connection and channeling. Previously he had mentioned, “Now it is time to advance to the knowledge of the realms above” (session 18, 2/13/2011). I asked him about this.

What do I need to know first about the “knowledge of the realms above”?

The knowledge of the realms above is based in light. It vibrates at a higher frequency. You must lift your mind, you must lift your heart to this frequency to be able to receive knowledge from the realms on high. It is a striving. For as you lift your vibration, as you lift your desire, as you lift and make an effort to fix your mind on things above, we shall transmit this knowledge to you, and it shall begin to build a pathway; it shall begin to build that bridge so that the reception of this information is no longer an effort.

Raising the VibrationAs you exert yourself in the beginning to receive what you can receive, the act of receiving, the act of listening, the act of accepting, and the act of acting upon that which you receive will build that bridge and increase that channel and will make it easier to receive the next time and the next time.

Raise your vibration to the realms above by your desire, by your will, and by your thought, and we will begin to transmit to you what we desire you to know.

Here, K instructs me about how to build the bridge. By raising my vibrations through meditation and practicing channeling, I will build that bridge and strengthen my connection to higher realms so that I’ll be able to eventually transmit their communications to others. (I also see this as building a communications bridge between my conscious mind and my higher self.)

Of what I have learned so far, what do you want to see manifested first?

We desire that connection be built and strengthened that you might be able to receive information from the realms on high unobstructedly, freely. Continue to practice, continue to connect, and we will build that bridge.

Of primary importance is building the bridge or communications channel. The only way to do this is by practicing connection and channeling. All of this is preparation for future messages they want to deliver through me.

How do I get started teaching and demonstrating? What do I teach first?

Crossing the Bridge

As you are learning how to connect, this is a good start to teach others. First, there is higher intelligence out there, connected with each before their birth. This higher intelligence wants to provide direction for the evolution and advancement of each one in this life. They are desiring to connect. This connection begins with an understanding and a realization that we [beings in the higher realms] are here and that we desire to connect. Once this is established, you can use methods and means to make that connection.

Part of what Rose Vanden Eynden mentioned in her reading is teaching others what I have learned about connection so that they can themselves connect for Spirit communication.

How do I find and gather those to teach?

“If you build it, they will come.” Prepare. Do no overprepare, but prepare beforehand that which would teach. We will guide you; we will inspire you. When you are ready, we will provide the opportunity; we will show you whom to invite; we will show you whom to contact. Expect this domino to fall into place.

K quotes the famous line from the movie Field of Dreams. If I build my own spiritual bridge of communication, eventually I will be able to teach this to others. When it is time, Spirit will knock down this domino and open the door of opportunity.

Regularly practicing channeling is how I’ve walked the path toward my purpose since 2010 (I’ve held over 150 sessions so far). As I continue, Spirit will open doors and provide synchronicities like toppling dominoes, one after another.

Next time my guides tell about bending light across the bridge.

More information:

Tuning Into Other Dimensions


This is the twelfth in a series concerning a vision about dominoes, synchronicities, and how they led to building the bridge of light—the cosmic connection through which I link to higher realms of Spirit for psychic communication and channeling.

Many of my first channeling sessions were about finding out whom I was communicating with. In session 16 on February 6, 2011, I asked some basic questions and wanted to share the answers with you.

In our initial channeling session, K told me he was not from this dimension.

If you are not from this dimension, what dimension are you from?

I am from the Fourth Dimension, the realms of light and love.

I didn’t know what this meant at the time, and I’m still not sure how this “fourth dimension” fits into the cosmology of the spiritual realms I described in Where Do We Go When We Die?. But my current understanding is that the Summerland is the mid-astral plane, and K’s fourth dimension is the upper astral plane.

Tuning into other dimensionsHow do I “tune in to other dimensions”?

Raise your vibrations. As Paul wrote, “Set your mind on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” [Col. 3:1] Set your intention to raise your vibration to the dimension that you desire to be.

This advice has proven true. When I channel or do mediumship work, where I set my intention to go or to get information from, that’s where I go.

Why did we decide to make a connection before I was born?

We have worked together for many lifetimes. We decided to connect before you were born so that we could continue our work. We desired to make more progress. [I get the sense that we’re just picking up where we left off.]

Progress on what line?

Raising your consciousness and raising the consciousness of the race. We desire that you build the bridge.

Often when I’m channeling, I also get clairvoyant images and movies as answers. I saw an existing bridge in my mind, but it was a one-lane bridge, and certain vehicles couldn’t get across.

We have many blessings to deliver. We cannot do so until the bridge is built. We do not desire there to be a weight limit on this bridge. We want it to be a strong structure that can withstand the traffic of the communication that we would bring.

What they want to do is to strengthen this bridge. They want to rebuild it; they want to make it wider, like a highway, so that supplies can come through.

On August 18, 2010, K had said there were other masters assigned to me. I asked about this.

Who are the “other masters assigned for my education and tutelage”?

We are a group of masters assigned to raise the consciousness of your planet. We work with many individuals, including you, to build that bridge, that consciousness may be raised, that light and love from on high may come down to man, and that constructive thoughts may come up to our realm.

This collective of master guides on the higher planes is in charge of a project to raise the consciousness of humankind. The supplies they want to deliver over the bridge are energy and information—love and light.

How do I “see through your eyes”? (something K said to me on May 29, 2010)

As we descend to you to enter your vibration, set your mind to ascend to us. As you open and yield yourself to me, I will open and yield myself to you.

Can we try this now?

I felt pressure on my eyes and on the bridge of my nose, and felt myself ascending. The place I felt pressure was where I was entering in to his energy. Then I saw this kind of a vista, or landscape. It wasn’t horizontal… it was spherical… a view from one of those wide-angle panoramic cameras, or a planetarium room where you’re surrounded on all sides by the movie screen. I felt like I was perched on a high pinnacle from which I could see everywhere.

Is there anything you would show me while I’m here?

Although you may not understand it, this is my perspective.

I wrote about this panorama, this “vista vision” in my series The Panoramic Vista.

I channel in a relaxed but conscious state. I have not gone into deep trance because I would be unable to ask questions from my conscious mind or run the digital recorder. So I asked,

Do you want me to enter trance?

Yes, we want to deepen the connection. But certain logistical issues must be worked out.

I’ll share more about control guides in mediumship next time.

I was at that time taking part in a development circle to explore physical mediumship (table tipping, spirit knocking, etc.), but felt conflicted.

Am I to pursue physical mediumship?

One of the things that we desire to do through you is to work “signs and wonders.”

We desire to make manifest in your realm that which appears in our realm. Take every opportunity to learn and study that which we place before you. For you will be called to use many skills in the coming days, in the coming years. Sample each one. Keep and develop those which serve you. You do not know what’s possible unless you have many options to choose from.

I tried the physical mediumship for a few sessions but decided against pursuing it. My mediumistic abilities lie primarily in the area of mental mediumship. But the sentence about manifesting on the earthly plane what appears in higher realms was intriguing to me. More about this in my next post.

Who is speaking through me when I interpret tongues?

As there are many positions in the armed forces, one of them is translator, whose job it is to translate from one language to another, that communication may occur, so that the objectives of leadership may be accomplished.

You feel a certain energy, a certain vibration, when you begin to speak in tongues. You are tuning in to this frequency, to this guide, and requesting for a translation. Then he comes, and he does his work, and when he is finished, he departs. As on the earth, so in our dimension, we have a division of labor.

Next time, I’ll share about bending light and tuning the channeling instrument.

More information:

How You Can Receive Higher Guidance by Meeting in the Middle


Contact Higher RealmsHow do you contact and receive guidance from ascended masters on the spiritual plane—the higher realms of consciousness? My guides advised:

Present yourself, raise your vibration, and listen. Open yourself. Speak that which you hear.

On January 22, 2011, they told me it’s a mutual process of “meeting in the middle.” When you seek contact, set an intention to raise your vibration to their level. They will meet you in the middle by lowering their vibration. When you are on the same wavelength, you can then communicate freely.

My question that prompted their instruction:

If I am to be prophet and spokesperson, what am I to share with others? What topics do you want to teach me now? What is the subject matter of that which you would have me to share?

We would have them to know that we wait for them. No one lacks direction. None should fail for revelation. But we guides of the higher realm wait. We seek contact. But they must also seek contact. As deep calls unto deep, we shall meet in the middle.

Seek to raise your vibrations to ours, and we will lower ours to yours, and we will meet in the middle. And we will share what we have to share, for we have direction and purpose. We desire to reveal unto you that which each is destined to know, and the direction that each is meant to go.

Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you. Until then, we wait.

If you’ve been wanting to contact the higher realms, why not set aside some quiet time where you can present yourself with intention to connect? They’re waiting to guide you. Simply raise your vibration, declare your connection in gratitude, and then ask a question. You may be surprised what you receive.

Blessings in love and light,

Lee Allen Howard, Mystic & Minister

More information:

The Sign Appears


Ark of the CovenantThe holidays passed, and on a bitter winter evening—February 9, 2014—during channeling session #153, I asked to see the sweep of my life and ministry. In response I received an incredible clairvoyant vision.

Is this the sign my guides had spoken so much about? Let’s find out.

The Vision

Sitting in my meditation chair with my eyes closed, I got the visual sense that I was moving…

I see the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant on poles, down by the river. They’re getting ready to step forward. I see a bright shining Presence, like a star, between the cherubim. It lights up the entire landscape.

The rushing waters [of the Jordan River] are backing up way upstream. The water flows and runs downstream, emptying the riverbed. The bright shining Presence and the breath of the Ruach [Holy Spirit] dry the riverbed, dry the feet of the priests who stepped into the water.

I get up from where I am, and I follow. They’re waiting for me, and I’m drawn to the Presence, drawn to the bright star. They carry the Ark across on dry ground, and I follow, mesmerized by the bright burning Presence between the cherubim. My footsteps are firm and sure, and I follow them into the Promised Land, a land that is flowing with milk and honey, fruit and abundance.

The star between the cherubim rises, and it comes towards me, and I hear the voice from amidst the fire:

“This is your land. Take possession. I will go before you all the days of your life. Fear not, but follow, and I will lead you to fulfill that which I have called you to do. I will be with you wherever you go.”

The star enters my forehead, and the Presence burns within my mind, enlightens my mind. And as I open my eyes, great beams of light are shining on the path before me.

I have the light of life. I will follow the Christed Spirit, and I will never walk in darkness. The path of the righteous grows ever brighter, unto the full light of day.

Kings come to the brightness of my rising [1991-10-10]. The nations flock, those in the wilderness come forth. I’m lifted up above the plain, like a bright and shining star.

I’m catapulted into the heavens, rising like a rocket. And from above me comes a waterfall of light, wisdom, revelation, and understanding. It pours down upon me and charges through my being and is disseminated forth from me. It goes out in all directions.

I see my arms cradling lambs, cradling people, my sons and daughters [1992-09-30]. And my voice goes out in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord.”

All I see now is the star, burning brightly, like an eternal flame.

This was a significant vision and message, opening the way for me to begin the move of a lifetime. The following month I began to have dreams about moving north, and in April I began looking for a house.

Along with a geographic move, I would also enter my destined ministry. Note the words “catapulted” and “rocket,” which I wrote about in the series Launching My Rocket. The downpour of wisdom is covered in the 2013 series The Waterfall of Light and Revelation and The Dissemination of Wisdom from on High.

Cradling lambs and people in my arms is a reference to a message I received on September 30, 1992. It signifies that I will be shepherding people and raising up spiritual offspring. I will be channeling information that will help people to find and walk their life path, leading them out of the wilderness into their purpose.

The Ark of the Covenant Crossing the Jordan River

My Guides Confirm the Vision

After receiving this vision, I sank back my chair, awestruck. I asked my guides if they had anything to say about it. They replied:

What you have seen is true. Doubt it not. But know that your eyes have been opened. We will confirm this vision unto you, and the faculty of clairvoyance shall grow greater and greater. This is only the beginning of what we have called you to see.

See to it that you practice using this ability, that it may be honed, that it may be crafted, that it may be perfected, so that you may use it as a tool in the work that we have called you to do. For we have called you to open your eyes, we have called you to open the eyes of others, and we have called you to see into the other realms, the higher realms. And we have called you to see into the past and the present and the future. We have called you to see as a telescope and a microscope [2002-10-24; 7:45 am]. We have called you to see into the hearts of men, women, and children, that they might have understanding and that they may be healed.

Open your eyes wide, and we will show you visions of glory. And even so, shall you see the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man. This we have promised; this promise we have kept.

Expect your dreams to increase and to be enhanced and to be even more vivid. We desire that you learn to use these faculties even as you speak, that you may express that which you see in words anointed and guided by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

The sign of the bright light is fulfilled! My clairvoyance would increase and expand for the work for which I was called into the Promised Land.

I asked if my guides had anything more to say.

You now emerge from the tunnel into the bright light. For this is the light at the end of the tunnel, and by this we shall light your way before you. Walk in the light as He is in the light, for we desire to establish you on your journey into your Promised Land. …

Keep your eyes fixed on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, and we will lead you forth to do and to fulfill that—all that—we have called you to do, even from before the time that you were born. For you are called to be a spokesman, a prophet, and a mouthpiece, and we desire to move through you with visions and messages from the higher realms, that you might lead others to serve Spirit and the coming Kingdom.

They confirmed that my journey through the tunnel had ended and I had emerged into the bright light (see An Abrupt Turn, Part 1). They reiterated my call as spokesman, prophet, and mouthpiece.

The sign has appeared, the Ark of the Covenant has gone before me, leading into my Promised Land. I now begin my public channeling ministry. More about this next time!

Rev. Lee Allen Howard, Mystic & Minister

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